Unpleasant sensations in the genital area, problems with urination and disturbances in sexual activity - all these symptoms can indicate the development ofprostatitis.
Unfortunately, in the early stages, the disease practically does not manifest itself, as a result of which the person turns to the urologist too late and the disease manages to develop into a chronic form.
So, what signs should you pay attention to and how to treat chronic prostatitis?

What is chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis- an inflammatory process in the prostate that lasts for a long time. The consequences of the disease are disruption of the functioning of the gland and its physiological changes.
Over time, a person begins to experience severe discomfort, which has a direct impact on his lifestyle.
This disease is one of the most common problems related to men's health. According to statistics, 50% of men over the age of 50 have prostate problems. As for the chronic form of the disease, it is characteristic of young men under 40 years of age.

Chronic prostatitis in men has several forms that differ in symptoms and causes. The following types of diseases are distinguished:
- bacterial;
- latent;
- asymptomatic;
- at a standstill.
The symptoms characteristic of the disease, as well as the treatment, depend on the form of chronic prostatitis.

Bacterial form of the disease
This form is the most common and does not cause difficulties in making the diagnosis. Usually, the results of urine tests in a patient show a high content of leukocytes, which indicates the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.
The bacterial form of prostatitis can occur against the background of reduced immunity or as a complication after a previous illness. It is treated with antibiotics, and the treatment regimen depends on the type of pathogen.
Latent prostatitis
The latent form can remain undetected for up to three months or more. Its second name is pelvic pain syndrome. The cause of the development of the disease can be both inflammatory and non-inflammatory processes. The latent form is characterized by the following symptoms:
- increased content of leukocytes in the test results;
- constant pain in the genital area;
- problems urinating.
The main difficulty in diagnosis is that, despite the presence of leukocytes in the tests, laboratory methods cannot identify the causative agent of the infection.

Asymptomatic inflammatory form
The most dangerous form of chronic prostatitis. In this case, changes characteristic of the disease occur in the tissues of the prostate gland, but no symptoms indicate the presence of inflammation. The asymptomatic form is usually discovered by chance or when the disease reaches a critical peak.
After correctly selected therapy, the man's health is completely restored.
Stagnant or non-infectious
The non-infectious form of chronic prostatitis occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This form of the disease accounts for approximately 1/3 of all cases of prostatitis in young men. Characteristic symptoms are difficulty urinating, disturbances in intimate life and pain in the pelvis.

Inflammation can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, injuries, bad habits, etc.
Causes of the disease
The reasons for the development of chronic prostatitis are quite diverse. Among the most common are:
- irregular intercourse or frequent change of partners;
- complete abstinence from sex;
- injuries and diseases of the pelvic organs;
- frequent overheating or hypothermia of the pelvic area;
- congenital anomalies of the structure of the genitourinary organs;
- untreated infectious or viral diseases;
- abuse of bad habits;
- work in conditions of constant intoxication of the body;
- metabolic disease;
- musculoskeletal problems.

important!In the process of treating prostatitis, it is extremely necessary to identify the main cause of the disease. This will help not only to get rid of the problem, but also to avoid relapses in the future.
Symptoms of chronic prostatitis
Despite the fact that chronic prostatitis can be asymptomatic for a long time, the following signs may indicate the disease:
- Severe discomfort in the perineum and genital area. Unpleasant sensations can be present constantly or appear at a certain moment, for example after urination.
- Radiating pain in the coccyx or pubic area.
- Sensation of a foreign body in the anus, a little closer to the perineum.
- Increased urge to urinate (especially at night).
- A feeling of fullness in the bladder even after emptying it.
- Decreased libido, reduced erection.
- Minor impurities of blood in the seminal fluid.
- hemorrhoids.
- Protrusion of veins through the skin of the scrotum.

The symptoms described above can lead to the development of neurological abnormalities. As a result of frequent urination, a person cannot sleep and work, begins to suffer from headaches, drowsiness, irritability and even outbursts of aggression.
Diagnosis of chronic prostatitis begins with a visit to a urologist. If the patient is concernedfrequenturination, sexual dysfunction and perineal pain, then the diagnosis is made quickly enough.
Difficulties in diagnosis arise in case of asymptomatic development of the disease. In this case, the man is prescribed a number of additional tests, including the use of special tools. During the diagnosis, you can find out from a urologist what prostatitis is and how the disease is treated.
There are the following methods for diagnosing chronic prostatitis:
- Sampling for laboratory tests. This method is suitable for patients with a bacterial form of the disease, as it allows you to identify the cause of inflammation and choose the most effective therapeutic approach. Most often, a general blood and urine test is taken for research.
- Ultrasound. If prostatitis is suspected, the patient is prescribed a transrectal examination. This method allows you to determine the exact stage of the disease and assess the general condition of the prostate gland. In addition, ultrasound can help eliminate the risk of serious complications. Also, sometimes patients are prescribed a repeat ultrasound to monitor the progress of treatment.
- Tomography.MRI is prescribed in cases where other diagnostic methods are powerless or the patient is suspected of developing a malignant process in the prostate.
- Determination of PSA content(prostate specific antigen). When PSA is above 4 ng/ml, additional diagnostic procedures are indicated, including prostate biopsy to rule out cancer.

important!Usually, when diagnosing chronic prostatitis, several methods are combined at once, for example, laboratory tests, palpation and ultrasound.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
Is it possible to treat chronic prostatitis? If chronic prostatitis is not very advanced, then it can be treated. If the disease is brought to the last stage and the walls of the prostate begin to deform, it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition and achieve remission.
For successful treatment, it is necessary to immediately consult a competent doctor who will tell you how to cure chronic prostatitis and what to take for it. The recommendations of the urologist must be strictly followed. Treatment should not be interrupted, otherwise a relapse may occur.
It currently exists3 ways to treat chronic prostatitis:
- medicinal (taking drugs);
- non-medicinal (using different equipment and procedures);
- surgical (otherwise - surgical).
Medication treatment
The treatment of bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis is different. In the first case, treatment with antibiotics is necessary. But sometimes the treatment regimen can be the same: antibiotics are prescribed for non-bacterial forms to check the result.
If improvement occurs, antibiotics should be continued.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis should be comprehensive. Only in this case can the maximum effect be achieved.
The following drugs can be prescribed for chronic prostatitis:
- antibiotics;
- immunostimulating drugs;
- vasodilator tablets;
- antispasmodics;
- anti-inflammatory agents;
- angioprotectors (drugs that stimulate the metabolism of vascular cells).
Alpha-blockers can also be used for treatment, but only after a course of antibiotics. Medicines for chronic prostatitis help to relax the smooth muscle tissue of the prostate and are also good at relieving tension.
In some cases, antihistamines and antidepressants may be prescribed.
Non-drug therapy
Drug therapy is recommended to be combined with physical therapy procedures. The following physiotherapy procedures are most often used:
- Laser therapy.
- Electrophoresis.Special treatment solutions are used that penetrate the tissue using an electrode method.
- Temperature treatmentusing microwaves.
- Phonophoresis. Exposure of the diseased organ to ultrasound waves.
The methods can be used individually or in combination.

Surgical intervention
If drug therapy and physical procedures do not help, then the disease can only be cured surgically. This happens when chronic prostatitis is complicated by a sclerotic process.
In sclerotic prostate, the pathology affects other parts, in particular, the ducts from which the secretions of the prostate are removed, and the seminal tubercles. The entire structure of the reproductive organs changes and the man's quality of life is significantly reduced.
In this case, endoscopic surgery is performed. Even congestive chronic prostatitis can be cured surgically.
Treatment can be carried out both in budget medical facilities and in paid clinics. The cost of therapy depends on the severity of the disease and the duration of the course. As for time, early-stage prostatitis can be cured in one month, and complicated prostatitis can be cured in 3-4 months.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis depends on the health status, age and lifestyle of the patient. If you follow all the doctor's recommendations, chances are you will make a full recovery.
However, no one will guarantee lifelong remission. Patients who have eliminated the cause of the disease have an increased chance of recovery.
Timely consultation with a doctor is also of great importance. Do not delay the diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis. The sooner you get medical help, the lower the risk of complications.
Treatment at home
Chronic prostatitis can be treated at home if there are no complications. In the case of a frequently recurring disease or its complicated form, it is necessary to take medication.
To restore men's health, you can also use recipes from traditional medicine. This therapy has an adjunctive character, i. e. it is used as a supplement to drug treatment.
Before using any alternative medicine, you should consult your doctor.
Using folk remedies, you can relieve pain, remove inflammation, normalize the process of urination and generally strengthen the immune system.
Pumpkin seeds
In the treatment of prostatitis, pumpkin seeds are used quite often. They have a large amount of zinc, and the male body especially needs this trace element.
Only dried pumpkin seeds that have not undergone heat treatment are suitable for treatment. They just need to be peeled and eaten. For a full course of treatment, 0. 5 kg of product is sufficient.
Such courses should be held every year until full recovery. Every day it is enough to eat 30-40 seeds before meals. Take your time, the seeds must be chewed thoroughly.

You can also make sweets that are good for men's health. The recipe is simple: the pumpkin seeds are peeled, chopped and mixed well with honey (200 g).
The result should be a dough-like consistency. From this mixture, small balls with a diameter of 3 cm are rolled. Every day you should eat 2 of these balls on an empty stomach. These sweets cannot be swallowed immediately, they must be chewed for 2-3 minutes.
Tincture of hazel
To prepare a medicinal tincture, you will need leaves or bark of hazel. You can cook both ingredients, remembering to alternate them. Due to its hardness, the bark is steamed for 2 times longer. For preparation it is necessary to use only fresh material.
The recipe is as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of hazelnut bark or leaves with 1 cup of boiling water (200 ml), close the lid and leave for 30 minutes. Then strain with cheesecloth. Take 4 times a day, ¼ cup. The course of treatment lasts a week.
This herb has long been known for its beneficial properties. With its help, you can deal with any infection. To get rid of prostatitis, you need to undergo complex treatment, which includes washing the urethra with an infusion and taking wormwood orally.
You will need 100 g of dry grass. It is necessary to grind as finely as possible in the hands and sift through a sieve. The smallest fragments are useful for taking in dry form, and the larger ones are useful for preparing an infusion from which urethral douches and micro-enemas are made.
Thus, the body has a double effect: it cleanses itself of infections and relieves inflammation.

Dry wormwood should be taken once a day with a glass of water. Washings and micro-enemas are done every night. The course of therapy lasts one week.
A potion for syringes and enemas is easy to make. 1 teaspoon of dry herbs is poured with 1 liter. boiling water Wait until the broth cools to 30 degrees and strain. For one procedure, 50 ml of infusion is enough. Injections into the urethra and anus are made using a syringe.
Do not forget that for each procedure you need to take a separate syringe in order not to accidentally get an infection. The broth should be injected sharply into the urethra: in this way, the liquid will move far.
Medicinal juices
For effective treatment of chronic prostatitis, you can drink juices. It is better to drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices; drinks fromasparagus and cucumber, beets, carrots. You should drink 600 ml per day. The course of treatment is 10 days.
There are contraindications, a consultation with a specialist is necessary.
Disease prevention
Prostatitis is quite difficult to treat and tends to recur. That is why men over the age of 30 should pay attention to the prevention of the disease.
The main preventive measures include:
- regular sex life with one partner;
- sports and special gymnastics;
- taking multivitamins to strengthen the immune system;
- compliance with the sleep and wakefulness regime;
- reduction of stressful situations;
- giving up bad habits;
- regular visits to a proctologist;
- timely treatment of colds and viral diseases.
Prevention should affect all areas of a man's activity, from nutrition to sexual relations. It is important to understand that prostatitis is treatable and you can continue to live a full and active life.